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Posted by poke on 2005/11/16 14:58:08 (1383 reads)

Hi folks.
I update photos album of shots from this events:

Pety aka Poke.

Posted by poke on 2005/11/14 17:56:59 (1435 reads)

New version of ssh terminal client with a color console support released.

You can read more here.


Posted by poke on 2005/11/1 12:01:05 (1488 reads)

Many friends ask me about my very long (30 second) interview in Czech TV programme about old computer games.

So, if you want enjoy it. There is link for download.
Yes, I'm a famous. I was in TV.

BTW: Big thanks to Ruda M. for grabbing.
Poke (aka Pety)

Posted by poke on 2005/10/14 16:02:26 (1519 reads)

I prepare patch file for the Psion game Wall.
If you apply this patch, you get unlimited lives in this famous Breakout style game.
For download patch file click here.
You can enjoy all levels now.

Posted by omega on 2005/10/12 16:39:54 (1406 reads)

I made major improvement of the batch renamer, some bugs are fixed (some are added) and lots of new features. Check it out. There is also article about it: here.

Posted by bur on 2005/10/10 9:23:49 (1374 reads)

Since I started using the services of (very cheap shell access + web/mail/etc.), I had but one issue - the server is somewhere in the US, so the time shown is in a different timezone. This created quite a mess in my ICQ and IRC logs (both of which I use from this server). I never had to deal with this problem before, and searching for a solution was not as easy as it might seem.

Solution, as is usually the case in most *n*x systems, exists and is pretty simple (once you know what to look for). All it takes is to set environment (shell) variable called "TZ" to the three-letter code of the timezone you are in. In my case, all I did was to add the line
export TZ=CET
into my .profile

Now (to my surprise) both CenterICQ and IRSSI honor this setting and show the correct time. I hope this helps someone with a simillar problem.

Posted by poke on 2005/10/6 21:54:06 (1294 reads)

Hi Psion fans.
Many people contact me with question how patch another language variant of netBook and mBook OS image. So, I made BIG cup of tea (Earl Grey of course) and prepare patch files for all supported language variant of netBook and mBook images.

More you can read here.
It was been hard work. Uff.
Enjoy it.


Posted by poke on 2005/9/29 13:18:54 (1417 reads)

Photos from ZeroTeam and Jizina visit was uploaded into the MyAlbum section.
You can see it here.

Posted by omega on 2005/9/23 14:39:30 (1382 reads)

AlarmTimer macro was updated in the download section. There was small bugfix, when "Test" sound was pressed and an alarm was set, psion was still producing the sound. Some people also reported issues with, that's also fixed in this release. Fixed version (1.41) is here.

Posted by poke on 2005/9/20 12:56:25 (1379 reads)

Article with Psion netBook OS cumulative patch was released.
You can read more here.


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