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Posted by poke on 2009/9/28 13:26:40 (2999 reads)

This day is a geocelebration for me, because 0x100 caches found...

Posted by poke on 2009/9/14 19:48:14 (2747 reads)

PictureBrno Fedora Developer Conference 2009 was a great event.
I spent there 2 days with great people from linux community.

You can found many photos across the web,
but one picture for all (me during hacking Alfred's AS compiler).

Photo by Tomas Bzatek.

Posted by poke on 2009/9/4 14:54:24 (2685 reads)

There is my JHCon's lecture note about compression principes and new cross packing tool called charpress.
Sorry, text is in the Czech language only. Maybe latter...

Download here.

Posted by poke on 2009/7/27 12:50:43 (2443 reads)

Some photos from a bit wet wedding day of my friends you can see here.

...What? Rain phee, who care about it... (Maybe Alanis Morissette only.)

Posted by poke on 2009/2/15 18:50:25 (2580 reads)

Photo slideshow for visitors of Brcon2008 with music from Yerzmyey^AY-Riders
you can found here.

Bye, bye.

Posted by poke on 2009/2/3 22:28:01 (2268 reads)

Yes, BrCon 2008 (24. - 28.10.) photo collection is finally here.

...It was long awaiting, but now over...

BTW: ZX Badaloc FPGA rulezzz...

Posted by poke on 2009/1/25 10:39:58 (2204 reads)


Yes, a bit late, but who care about it.
BTW: I'm still finishing my 2008 agenda. Please don't want to see my dashboard screen (full of Stickies).

Enjoy it.

Posted by poke on 2008/9/27 22:02:41 (2277 reads)

Schoolmate photo

Dalsi fotky z podzimniho setkani spoluzaku jsou zde.
Another schoolmate rendezvous, another photos.

BTW: Thanks Ruda for photo cooperation, again.


Posted by omega on 2008/6/16 8:33:33 (2625 reads)

New version (a bit of downgrade) of DiskList macro for your Epoc machine. Now with setup. Get it here.

Posted by poke on 2008/6/13 10:53:36 (2615 reads)

Srdečně Vás zvu na promítání fotek z mé cesty po Japonsku, které
proběhne dne 17.6.2008 od 20:00 na Lékařské fakultě MU v Brně,
Komenského nám. 2, suterén pod PC studovnou, Klub A.Trýba.

Uvidíte velkoměsto Tokio, menší Kjóto včetně starého císařského
paláce, starobylou Naru a malebný poloostrov Kii - osady Kušimoto,
Šingú a samozřejmě překrásný Pacifik.

Přijďte, je to zadarmo.

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