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Posted by omega on 2005/9/17 23:39:41 (1315 reads)

OSG of Patisoners finally uploaded set of macro5 enhancements for your pleasure. Feel free to get the most out of your Psion! Go to downloads.

Posted by poke on 2005/9/14 21:05:28 (1389 reads)

Hi folks.
I updated photos section. You can find new photos from reenacting events:

Second world war, Brno Campaign 1945, Orechov 2005
American civil war, Battle of Bentonville 1865, Strazek 2005

and some photos from little speccy meeting:

FrCon (JshManiaxCon) 2005.

Enjoy it.
Pety (aka Poke)

Posted by poke on 2005/8/29 19:08:14 (1418 reads)

I released bugfix patch file for Palmtop's (now TomTom's) Sinclair ZX-Spectrum emulator for the Psion machines.
Read more at this article.
Now work in this emulator Shucon party demo TEDEMO with nice dithvide picture.

Posted by bur on 2005/8/7 19:19:16 (1491 reads)

Konecne jsem sem nahral fotky, ktere jsem nafotil pri natirani auta. Je na nich videt jak moc rezave to bylo a o kolik lip (doufam) to vypada ted.

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Posted by poke on 2005/7/31 15:34:53 (1478 reads)

Poke arrive to the Kaplicon2oo5.
This was wrote at Apple iBook G4. (Hi Logout.)
BTW: Mac rulezz., Tiger rulezz, Expose rulezz.

See my 3D photos in MyAlbum section.
Many thanks to Baze for idea and Sweet for second camera.

Posted by poke on 2005/7/22 20:29:49 (1498 reads)

I now use folder macros very often. So, I create little patch which inhibit showing System screen in grayscale mode when folder macros runs.

So try it (if you have color psion):
000efc: 02 -> 06

I sent this patch to maintainer of Macro5 project too.

Posted by poke on 2005/7/15 20:54:03 (1487 reads)

Tak jsem konecne dorazil na ZX akci roku.

Posted by poke on 2005/5/29 22:44:01 (1579 reads)

Created homepage for psion macroassembler ASL in section: ARTICLES
Have a nice day

Poke from Open in new window

Posted by bur on 2005/5/20 20:44:18 (1674 reads)

Ode dneska jsem zase vlastnikem osobniho motoroveho vozu.

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Posted by bur on 2005/5/19 21:13:10 (1777 reads)

Dnes jsem se byl podivat na dalsi dve potencionalni auta. Tedy jen na jedno - to druhe ke me v podstate prijelo.

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