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Posted by poke on 2013/1/17 16:07:42 (3149 reads)

Hi after very long time. JHcon floaty 2012 cover

There is my final revision of JHCon2012's keynote which was about floating point arithmetics in the modern and also oldskool computers.
Thanks @mborik128 for idea and @logout128 and ub880d for corrections.

Download here (sorry, text is available only in the Czech language).
PS: Feel free to contact me with any questions & reports.

Bye 4 now.

Posted by poke on 2010/3/25 22:11:11 (2991 reads)

We Eklhaft prices are the winners of the Forever 2010 ZX demo section with really crap Eklhaft SP2 (Humus reloaded).

Watch it if you want, but its really crap.

Sources of first part with some info you can found on the Omega's homepage.

My photos from demoparty is here.


Posted by poke on 2009/9/4 14:54:24 (2684 reads)

There is my JHCon's lecture note about compression principes and new cross packing tool called charpress.
Sorry, text is in the Czech language only. Maybe latter...

Download here.

Posted by poke on 2008/2/16 0:43:36 (2647 reads)

I'm hacking Follin's player routines for Spectrum beeper in these days.
So, I try found something about T.Follin on the YouTube and there are results.
Tim Follin talks to Re:Loaded about his excellent video game scores.

Link to interview is: here (part1) and here (part2),


Posted by poke on 2007/11/10 12:43:24 (2100 reads)

Patisoners sending congratulation to Velesoft, because:

           LD      IX, velesoft
INC (IX+year)
Cheers and have a nice day

Posted by omega on 2007/9/13 15:33:07 (1923 reads)

FBI asked me to inform all visitors of our page that there is still excellent disc-mag SCENE+ being produced for all ZX Spectrum fans. Please look into this link. FBI would be very pleased to post your articles, programs, graphics or musics in this mag and distribute it all over the world. There are various format options for you to choose from: .TAP, +D, MB02, Opus and of course real Cassette

Get it now or someone else does!

Posted by poke on 2007/8/21 12:51:07 (2027 reads)

Massive MBHDD2 interface building on Kaplicon2007 needs new firmware (v6.5).
Now MBHDD2 is address port compatible with divIDE by default (as many user wants).

New firmware you can download here.

PS: Thanks Noby for support.
BTW: My iMac has 515MB RAM now

Posted by omega on 2007/3/21 13:03:06 (2042 reads)

Check out two useful macros to import ZX or QL screens into ImageJ.

Read article!

Posted by poke on 2007/2/25 20:33:29 (2296 reads)

6Original sources of the MB02 bootrom lose LMN many years ago.

So I made this dirty disassembling work.
Now we are ready to develop new bootrom with HDD booting features.

Click here for MB02 boot rom disassembling files.

Posted by poke on 2007/1/18 19:30:07 (2239 reads)

Previous news about Covox's song was starting little investigation.
So there is: Covox's homepage with more songs.

BTW:Many thanks to: Factor6, Tritol and Karate.

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