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Frozen Bubble for EPOC
  Posted on Tue 09 Oct 2007 (8935 reads)
Frozen Bubble for EPOC
Current release version is: 0.93s7_rc3

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All Psion colour machines with EPOC ER5.

Frozen Bubble, Linux game, Psion S7 & netBook, EPOC, Symbian Series60

Psion users were waiting for quality new Psion game many years. Patisoners trying fill this gap now. We are presenting port of famous Linux game like a technological demonstration of colour Psion machines potential, which was never used at all.

We are sending deep respect to the Elias Konstantinidis author of the Frozen Bubble for Series60, whom source files we was used for Psion ER5 port. Thank you for your excellent job.

Project starts like a joke at autumn of 2006. I rewrote many missing APIs calls from Series60, disabled S60 direct frame buffer support and many other things. Screenshot from early version is here.

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I sent this version to Omega, which was very surprised and motivate me to the next work. Omega also made great 256 colour conversation of the original Linux graphics as you can see.

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Games begins look nice, but a bit quiet, because S60 sound interface is completely different from ER5. Last big job was, made new sound system compatible with simple Psion machine sound API.
Everything worked ok, but after many, many hang ups and reboots.
Now, we can say that Frozen Bubble has one of the best and stable sound interfaces which was ever made for ER5 application.

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Everything was successfully done, but after half year work on this port, I must say:

"I hate this game!!!"

Original Series60 version: Elias Konstantinidis
EPOC code modification and sound conversion: Poke^Patisoners
Graphics conversion and modification: Omega^Patisoners
Beta testing: my girlfriend Petra and Psion collector Jackson Hollis

in Patisoners-Psion download section.

Have a nice bubble day

© 2006 - 2007 Poke^Patisoners
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